Wednesday, January 2, 2008

We are a little sad because it seems like Elijah is mad at us and doesn't want to really interact with us at all. He is becoming more annoyed with the doctors and nursing staff when they want to examine him, so I know that the medication is finally wearing off. He has also tried to pull out his NG tube (in his nose) and we have to tell him that it has to stay in and so another reason for him to be mad at us. Good news, we had some poop this morning!!! It wasn't a lot, but more than the first time. The oncology doctors stopped by this morning and it was one of the doctors that we haven't met yet. She seemed very pleased with his progress. It's always nice to see them be pleased and optimistic. Elijah is still needing the blow-by oxygen to keep his sats up, it has fallen a few times and his sats drop pretty quickly, so it's clear that he still needs it. The oncology doctors said that they hope to get him to the oncology floor as early as tomorrow, but just like everything else we haven't gotten opinions from the other doctors yet. I don't think much is going on today with treatments for him, so we just have to hope that he starts to feel a little better soon and wants to talk to us. They did transfuse some blood last night and his hemoglobin is up to 10.4, which is almost within normal range, but he definitely looks better and is more alert. I will update later if there is anything to report.


Anonymous said...

Hey guys,

It is so good to see Elijah awake! We have been reading the updates everyday and are parying for good news. We feel bad that we haven't been able to visit...we have been traveling for the holidays and we all have had some nasty colds that we didn't want to expose you to. Hang in there...Elijah is a strong little boy and Heavenly Father has a very speical plan for him!

The Katchers

Anonymous said...

Hello from Vaun, Jen, Lily, Max and Charlie in Idaho-

We are so sorry for all you are going through. We can only imagine how hard this must be. We are glad to see Elijah is such a fighter and he is responding to the chemo! Hopefully you will soon be able to go back to Blank so you can be closer to home. We wish we were there so we could help in some way... You are and will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.

XOXO, love the Archibalds

Anonymous said...

What a good looking boy! We're praying in Denver for Elijah and the whole family. We'll add his name to the Temple prayer list, too.

Let us know when you're ready for some five cheese, chicken, pesto and corn gourmet pizza.

Much love,

The Garricks

Anonymous said...

Keep hanging in there! Thanks for all the updates, I'm always checking to see how he is doing. I wish we could come see you guys. Let me know if you need any help wil livia.

Heitmann Family said...

Yeah his eyes were open, even if for a little while. I am glad to hear the docs are pleased with his progress. I bet with this process being a LONG haul, the little everyday milestones are something to be happy for!! You are continually in our thoughts are prayers!!
Love the Heitmann Family

Jennie said...

YEA for Poop! It's nice to see Elijah's eyes again. Hopefully I'll be out again soon to visit.

PS-Addy told me today she loves Elijah! (As if we didn't know.)

kdance said...

Good job with the poop, buddy! It's so good to see that cute smile.