Friday, December 28, 2007

Morning all. Overall we had a pretty good night. Elijah is so much more comfortable and doesn't wake up as much. They gave him a bath and changed his bed this morning. He is scheduled to go into surgery at 13:30. They said that this shouldn't take long. As they predicted with starting the first round of chemo, Elijah's white count has dropped to 46K. They expect this to basically bottom out, which is why he will have no immune system because normally we need somewhere between 3-15K( normal count) to fight off infections. He will essentially have a count of O. They will be giving him blood this am and then he will get more platelets during his surgery. It is my understanding that once the port is in place this afternoon, they will give the next round of chemo drugs that are a part of this induction phase. Sorry if this doesn't make sense, but I myself am still trying to figure it all out. There are a total of 6-7 different drugs that are given throughout the induction phase (the first of three phases), and they are all at different times. He has received two of them already and I think there will be two or three more today. X-ray s here, gotta go!!


Anonymous said...

Good morning, Amanda, Levi, Alivia, Elijah, Grandpa and Grandma! I'm working a little this morning. Because of closing down the west wing we are still moving desks, etc. wherever we can. What a mess. The engineer officially closed it down yesterday. Good to know Elijah is sleeping better. Good to get started on the treatments. Everyone is thinking of you all! Just a side note-Mom called this morning to say she was in the ditch. She was on her way to work (of course) and somehow crossed the highway and ended up in the cornfield not far from where you turn to go to our house. She is not hurt, we took her on to work and drove the car right out. It did damage the front bumper some, but who cares! I have her car and plan on taking her home at noon. I'm sure she will not be happy with me for sharing. I hope today goes well. I'll check in with Dennis later this afternoon. Please let us know if there is anything we can help with. Love you all! Debbie

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you all know that I am thinking about you and wish I could be closer. Thank you for keeping us current on his progress and I look forward to future updates.
I will keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers and let me know if there is anything I can do!
Love, Jill Henry

Anonymous said...

Just know that even though we are not with you all that we are here working on our best cheer for when Eligah comes home! Come home babe to us! We want to see you're smiling face and funny antics:)

Levi and Amanda...we both love you and we are doing all that we can here so you can feel comforted in spirit.

Anonymous said...

Levi and Amanda,
Please know that I am thinking and praying for all of you. I am happy to hear that Elijah's WBC is doing better! Pease let me know if you need anything.

Anonymous said...

Dear Hancocks,
Several months ago we received word that our 7 year-old-grandson had cancer of his kidney. We drove as fast as we could to Boston where he was hospitalized and stood watch during the surgery to remove his kidney and the surgery to insert a port in his chest. We then watched from afar the impact of the chemotherapy. We can empathize with your uncertainty, anxiety, and especially the anguish. We're certain that privately each of you has said in a fervent prayer, "Let me suffer for him, don't make him go through this," in your own Gethsemane Prayer.
We know the power of Priesthood blessings for all concerned - Elijah, and Levi, and Amanda. Such blessings reduce anxiety and restore hope - it is the power of the Atonement being manifest here and now.
We join our prayers with others who know and love you.
God bless you!
Wayne and Gretta Merkley

The Jones Fam said...

Hi Hancocks,

We just wanted to let you know that we have been thinking and praying for your family constantly since we heard about Elijah's condition. Our hearts are full of concern and love for your family and we pray that you will be given the strength to make it through this and that you will feel Heavenly Father's love comfort you. We will be back in Iowa next week and ready to help out in any way we can! I am encouraged to read the latest updates on Elijah's prognosis and treatment. Our prayers will be with you all, especially for little Elijah.

Jacob Jones

Heitmann Family said...

Levi and Amanda-
I just wanted you to know that our prayers and thoughts are with you even from across the country. Our hearts ache for you and Elijah, I was so glad to see you started a blog to update everyone!! Hang in there, the Lord is mindful of you and Elijah!! We love and miss you guys!!

Murdoch said...

Dear Hancocks,

We found your blog by accident, and want to tell you how sorry we are for what Elijah is going through. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers. May the Lord bless your family with strength, comfort and peace.

Love, Mica and Megan Murdoch

Murdoch said...

Dear Hancocks,

We found your blog by accident, and wanted to tell you how sorry we are for what is happening to Elijah. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers. May the Lord bless you all with strength, comfort and peace.

Love, Mica and Megan Murdoch

Jason and Teresa said...

we love you guys. hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that our church family is praying for Elijah. I'm counting on the Lord to perform a healing in his body.

God Bless